About us

About AgileWalls

The world changes fast and organizations need to be able to adapt and be flexible in order to answer to the challenges of the future. At AgileWalls, we believe that Obeya leads to purposeful organizations, drive meaningful objectives, make collaboration more effective, and support inclusive decisions.

However, there was no good product to build an Obeya that met our standards and expectations. That’s why we started AgileWalls. We put our knowledge and experience with Obeya and organizational transformation into developing our walls that are:

  • Good looking: With our Obeya walls, you can build an Obeya that is inviting to everyone in your organization and where people will be proud of.
  • Flexible: Your organization will change and our modular walls will allow your Obeya to adapt to your needs.
  • Visually structured: In your Obeya, it should be clear to everyone how the different elements and information relate to each other. Our walls provide this structure.

We are more than just a product company. We are a community of passionate professionals who care about making deeper connections. We share a love for the outdoors and try to make the world a better place.

Every day.


Bart Bongers

Founder, Agile Coach & Lean Black Belt

Bart’s orientation is technical, practical and thorough. A sincere character, unlikely to hear many decibels coming from his mouth. Gifted with a strong moral compass, his grounded nature allows others to fly. The force is strong with this one…

About Dolf Reijnders

Dolf Reijnders

Founder, Agile Coach & Lean Black Belt

Dolf is a strategically and result oriented thinker with seemingly no limits to his energy. Engineers projects during his long trailruns, while surfing or when making cider in his orchard. Then makes them work pulling everyone together in the process.

Maartje Durge 00

Maartje Durge

Lead Designer, Editor and content specialist

Maartje is our jack-of-all-trades graphic design mastermind. Effortlessly she combines setting up marketing campaigns with creating wall designs and builds brand identities. Maartje never stops learning and is all about sustainability. She lives life like she dances her tango: full of passion and creativity.

mark marijnissen

Mark Marijnissen

Obeya Coach, Agile Coach & Trainer

A nerd with love for people. Mark is all about the moment when discussion turns into dialogue. A balanced mix of compassion and insight, leading to action. Mark likes people more than technique but it’s not far off. He would disagree but we have put it here anyway. 

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Our Purpose

We want to make the world a little better by building purposeful organizations and make collaboration more effective!

Our Vision

The world changes fast and organizations need to find a way to continously improve. We provide quality Obeya walls that help organiations connect their strategy to exection and thrive.


By providing high quality and modular walls, these Obeyas will become a place where people across the organization are proud of and work together.


Our Mission

We are on a mission to make collaboration more effective and decisions more inclusive.

We build high quality, good looking, modular and sustainable Obeya rooms that are fit-for-purpose to an organizations needs and way of working.

Our Values

We wish the same for you as we do for ourselves.

We donate 1% of our turnover to environmental protection​​

“To positively change the environment with donations from companies.” This is the declared motto of 1% for the Planet. In 2002, the two owners of the clothing company Patagonia founded the international organization and thus make an important contribution to the maintenance of the environment. 

The network now works with nearly 4,000 audited non-profit environmental protection organizations around the world. Over 1,600 companies are already part of the campaign, including us. Find out more on onepercentfortheplanet.org

We are committed to donating 1% of our revenue to organizations we believe in. Every. Single. Year. 


About the Founders

Bart Bongers en Dolf Reijnders are behind the AgileWalls project.

Raised within the Lean Management filosophy originating at Toyota, until a few years ago they consulted large scale Agile transformations. Their personalities are opposites; Bart modest, Dolf abundant. They are connected in their vision on life and business. Freedom, learning, having fun and giving back are the core values from which Bart and Dolf operate. 

The creation of AgileWalls started from a “mobile office”. Bart and Dolf put their campervan-turned-into-office there where energy and inspiration flows. Working with ocean views the one day and the next one from a forest, they link the success of their creations to the positive effects of nature.

This clearly shows in their designs and innovative use of materials. 

No nonsense. Walk the talk. Shit must work. 

But with a keen eye for comfort and smart design.


The Obeya Association

At AgileWalls we have years of experience in building revolutionary Obeya’s across multiple industries.

Throughout the years, our designs developed:

  • A strong connection between digital and analog/physical collaboration spaces.
  • Strong visual structures that make Obeya collaboration intuitive and easily accessible
We think that Obeya deserves to be more than a tool.
A philosophy by itself perhaps.
A missing piece in the Organizational Theory puzzle.
A way to deal with the challenges ahead.
And with full potential to outgrow its status as tool within the Lean toolbox.
This is why Bart and Dolf have also founded the Obeya Association.

The Obeya Association is a platform and a world wide network that aims to share knowledge on Obeya easier than before.

Obeya is a bit of a new kid on the organizational theory block and the Obeya Association has set out to assure quality.

The Obeya Association aims to develop Obeya “from tool to philosophy”. And Bart and Dolf strongly support the case.

Being a community of Obeya practitioners, the Associates are constantly discussing, creating, sharing, testing and continuously improving Obeya practices.